Tuesday, December 03, 2013

POEM - 300

For the 300th time this year
I am sitting here
Completely blank look on my perfectly aged face

Poetry is a cruel mistress
And I’m a married man
So it makes for uncomfortable situations

But my dear wife
She is so good to me
She makes sure
Each and every day
I have my time
To sit and stare blankly at the wall

She knows I am trying to create something great
And if I rush it I might stumble
Take the easy route
Use a few too many bathroom jokes
Take the easy punch lines
And get out of there quick
Regardless the cost in lives and reputations

But not today
Today is a day I will finish early
Before I head home from work
So that I can meet other obligations
Support my supportive mate
For there is crafting on the docket
And love is in the air
And love, it is said
Is the real reason

For poetry

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