Wednesday, December 11, 2013

POEM - Reading Orwell on the Bus

The old copy of 1984
Had come along for the ride
It had been my dad’s in college
And in the interest of looking
Intellectual and doubleplusgood
I’d been trying to digest it
Every revolutionary should

I’d just spent a week rebelling
In a lawless realm
Turned loose in Tucson
Under Fletcher’s supervision
So my rebellion had no resistance
Merely an actor
On a subversive stage
Soon to return to suburbia
To shed my dissident robes
Lock away my instruments of sedition

But on the bus ride back to Tempe
I read Orwell
Upon arriving home
I left out my insurgency
Right on the shelf
At the Ministry of Truth
Big Brother missed it
While as I doublethink
A slight smile breaks

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