Sunday, December 29, 2013

POEM - 1986 Was That Year That

It was that year
Where we finished the house
We had been building
And finally moved in
To our third and final
Tucson residence

The year I took the challenge
To strip all of the paint
Off the old kitchen table
Each and every nook and cranny

When I settled into the routine
Of playing Frisbee with Joe
On the deserted backside
Of the old main building
Talking philosophy
And laughing at the stoner couple
That invaded our solitude for a time
To spend their lunch hour
With their lips suctioned together

It was learning
Never to fall asleep
In study hall
            Not ever
And then learning how to relate
To all the future felons
In the class with me

Finding new ways
To get in and out of school
Without the benefit of permission
For those days
When being in school
Didn’t really make sense
And all of Tucson was waiting
Just outside the chain link fence
Begging to be explored
Waiting to teach me
That the smell of punk
Is clove cigarettes
And Nag Champa
While Bookman’s stocked rebellion
In musty print and discount vinyl

If you were just willing to look

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