Friday, December 27, 2013

POEM - In Search of Big Brother, 1984

We didn’t even have the technology
To make Orwell a prophet
Just barely arriving into homes
Were devices years behind
Predictions from all trusted sources
Computers had begun to shrink
But they were mild devices
With limited abilities
Which I found out
As I sat starring at the screen
Watching my Commodore Vic 20
Come to life
With 20K of awesome computing power
Less than my wristwatch has today
And a clunky cassette drive
And programming in BASIC

I think the new microwave
Was a bigger threat
Than any new home computer
So I used the Commodore for games
And the microwave for popcorn
And frozen corn dogs
As I waited to watch movies
On the brand new VHS player
That we rented from the video store
Along with a couple of movies

The world was changing fast
But not that fast
And it still seems like the good old days
Before cell phones and internet
When most of the TV stations
Would still shut off at night
And you answered the phone
With no idea who was calling
And technology was a novelty
And Big Brother was still waiting

For the world to speed up

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