Friday, December 06, 2013

POEM - Car-less and Carefree

It probably should’ve been
A rougher time
When we didn’t have a car
For those few months
Coming as it did
Right before Christmas
But all things said and done
We couldn’t have been happier

We felt so environmentally aware
As we hooked the child trailer
Onto my mountain bike
And towed Claire and Ezra around
From the grocery store
To the restaurant
And that one day
When we missed the bus
I carted Claire all the way to school
She still mentions it
Remembers crossing the walking bridge
And watching the freeway below

It didn’t stop us at all
We even had a big family dinner
Peddled up to the corner grocery
Loaded all the food into the kid cart
And I carried the huge box
Of fried chicken and rolls
On my handlebars all the way home

And we liked not having a car
Getting around under our own power
Creatively using what we had

Making do when we hadn't

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