Thursday, December 05, 2013

POEM - When Julie was our Sitter

My parents left home
Just for a few days
But we were young enough
We still needed a sitter

Or rather I was 12
And could take care of myself
But probably not sufficiently aware
To care for 4 younger siblings

That’s why Aunt Julie visited
To make sure no one died
The house stayed standing
And injuries remained minor

I don’t remember much
But there was that day
When I think we had been stuck inside
For far too long
And just needed to get out
And we kind of needed groceries
So Julie took us on an excursion

It seemed funny to me
Walking across our whole neighborhood
To get to the store
Something serendipitously new

I carried the milk jug
In one hand
All the way home
In complete bliss
Despite the distance
As I took sweet icy bites
From the quiescently frozen
Grape flavored confection

Happily gripped in my other hand

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