Thursday, December 19, 2013

POEM - The Star Wars Generation: 1977

The big theatre in Salt Lake
With the huge speakers
Lining the walls
Was worth the trek
All the way up from Provo

It was worth a quick remedy
My first taste of Coke
To settle my stomach
Stop me from having the pukes
Whatever it took to get there
We were on a mission

When we settled into the ornate hall
With the plush red velvet seats
There was a sense of awe
That it had all been worth it
My dad had told me what was coming
It was better than the hype

The space ship stormed in
Almost making me duck
Only to be dwarfed
By the massive star cruiser
In hot pursuit
That really made you duck

I instantly became a nerd
My world became Star Wars
You have to understand
There was nothing like it
It shaped my generation
It some theaters it even ran
For a whole year
It wasn’t replaced
There was no competition

So complain about the script
Bag on the special effects
Comment on the costumes
And the proliferation of feathered hair
I am deaf to all critics
A devotee of the Force
A trading-card-carrying member
Of the geek generation
One of the wide-eyed devotees

Of the venerable George Lucas

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