Wednesday, December 25, 2013

POEM - New School Politics of 1982

When my dad quit
Being the cartographer
For the aerial survey company
And got the State job
Doing water resource management
We moved to Tempe as well
To make the commute into Phoenix
A little easier
            And to finally get out of Mesa

I landed in a new school
A new church
And a gang of new friends
It just so happened
There was a massive quantity
Of eleven year old boys
And I was just one more in the crew
Which meant no special treatment
Either negative or positive

By the time sixth grade came up
I was in with the smart kids
Got bused to the gifted program
Every week or so
But we had fun everywhere
Writing stories in creative writing
Trying to outdo each other
One more outlandish than the other
Would I write about Horace
The headless hot dog
That my dad use to spin tells of?
No, I would forge my own path
It was “The Toenail that Ate Chicago”
That was my opus of the era

Recess was more of the same
Coming up with variations
On a theme of tag
From line to robot to swarm
Each with a complex set
Of rules and expectations
Perfectly understood
And justly self-governed
By all the eager participants

Each day began
Precisely where the other ended
Games changed at correct intervals
We the game masters
Responsible to keep things fresh
Took our role seriously
Never let the game run stale
Boredom assaulted
With the intensity of war

The passion of religion

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