Wednesday, December 18, 2013

POEM - Hey Jo-Jo

Hey Miss thing
You got the stuff
Rockin’ the day
Gonna be something big
Got a good start
Jumping out to meet your life
And we barely caught you
Before you tried to land
On those unstable legs
Just barely born

But you didn't care too much
And when we saw you
For that first glimpse
We knew you were a big deal
And that you needed a big name
So upon you we did bequeath
The fabulous name
Josephine Yolande
Cuz it fit
The power of Napoleon’s wife
The glitz of your great grandma
There was no doubt you'd own it

So it is no surprise
How you turned out
Almost a diva
But you're better than that
You've got goodness in you
A caring heart
And a good soul
So, sorry about the diva label
You are really a princess

Your tiara proves it


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