Saturday, December 14, 2013

POEM - In 1973 It All Went Bad

I was on top
The sole prince
With the undivided attention
Of mother and father
Until the perfect life
Began to slowly unravel
Until in the dog days of summer
I was dethroned
Debased and replaced
That’s when She came along

Why would they
After two and a half years
Of familial bliss
Mess with a good thing
Try to tinker
With the original formula
When it was working so well

But they did
Without asking me
And upon a June day
I was shown the usurper
And it was expected
I should be happy

So I played along
Smiled and hugged
Played the good son
The doting brother
All the while
Behind my grinning eyes
Plotting my revenge

One day
I’ll have to follow through
Maybe get even

No longer rue the day

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