Sunday, December 08, 2013

POEM - Singing Lullabies

The middle child
Who always puts on a happy face
Had a hard day
One thing after another
Got a headache
That turned into a migraine
Then she stumbled
And got a bloody nose
All during the course of church

So by the time it was time
To head back home
She was upset
By the time we got home
She was beside herself
I walked in just in time
To hear the blubbering
In full swing

So I scooted her over
Laid down next her
Held her close
In my big old dad arms
And sung the magic song
The one that calms them down
Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry
            Go to sleepy little baa-byy
When you wake, you will have
            All the pretty little horses . . .

Quicker than you’d think
She calmed right down
Was able to return
To rational thought
And a few minutes later
The convulsive breathing stopped
A sad smile returned to her face
But a smile none the less
And the song worked
Like it has all my life

Like a lullaby is meant to