Monday, January 27, 2014

POEM - Son of a Beach

I don't believe
In evolution
But do I believe
I came from the sea
That somehow
A conduit opened
From my aquatic kingdom
And released me
In the shadow of mountains
Far from sand and surf

Because it is the place
In all the world
Standing on the precipice
Between water and land
That nothing bothers me

An article I read
Claims it can be proven
That beaches are a happier place
Where negative ions allow
For some form of this or that
To cause feelings of good
To be present more easily

I can dig that
Dude, I can totally, like feel that
It's like there's a better vibe, man
And you just know
Every little thing
Is mellow
And it'll all just work out
So stay cool
Hang loose
Shaka bra

No worries

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