Sunday, January 19, 2014

POEM - Good News. Second Hand

We had to hear
About the good news
Your good news
From someone else
Second hand

And it’s not like you didn’t have the chance
The three or four times
In that very week
When we received and email
All you could say
In each moment we chatted
Was that you were nervous
You said
It was because you had to move
And you had gotten comfortable
And you don’t like change
But what you meant to say
What you should have said
If you were trying
At all
To communicate
With your poor old mom and dad
Is that this move meant something
More of something than just a move
It came with conditions
New responsibilities
Additional worries
And some proof
That you
Despite what you say
Are doing well
Much better
Fantastic in fact

So just be happy
And tell us the good news
Before we have to hear it
Brought up casually
In the course of conversation
Leaving us staring
Like deer in headlights

Dumbfounded and unsure

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