Thursday, January 23, 2014

POEM - And in Another Life . . . Flamenco Dancer

Without even one lesson
I learned
That my hips move
In sultry and rhythmic patterns
That let my arms sway one way
While my feet shuffled another
And I lure you in
With the dance
That inspires fiery desire
In every soul with a heartbeat
The fluidity of my dance
Sends women’s hearts a flutter
And engenders the envy
Of every other male
Within the sphere
Of the influence
Of my dance
An undefinable area
Stretching alluringly
In all direction
Emitting forth enticements
From the place
Where I spin and twirl

It has always been this way
Even when I was taught
At a young age
The shy-preteen-foot-slide-two-step
I couldn’t stop the hip sway
An uncontrollable gyroscopic force
Keeping me riveted to the dance floor
Only escaping orbit
For the briefest of moments
When I would grab another partner
Then we’d plummet wildly
Into the center of the floor
To partake
Of the entrancing beats
To rave
And samba
And embrace
To quaff the vitality
Of the musical fluid
Let flow through our veins
In fantastic palpitations
A happy, heady blur

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