Sunday, January 26, 2014

POEM - Biological

After a quarter wasted
Sitting in study hall
I opted out
Got the Biology gig
As student aid
With the cool Bio teacher

All I was expecting
Was clean the trays
Copy the tests
Organize the cabinets
And sweep up the lab

What I got was much more
Morbidly cool and grotesque
I was led to a room
Hidden behind a nondescript door
Right by the elevators
In the ancient old Main building

What wonders this closet held
Such curiosities
As I was met with shelves
Loaded to overflowing
With jars of specimens
Glass encased death
Afloat in liquid preserve

I was told to thin the ranks
Dispose of the oldest stock
But I wasn't told how
And with a little too much glee
I loaded the cart
With a freakish assortment
To take to the lab for examination

The bouquet of formaldehyde
Hung in the air
As I dissected and examined
Sharks and pigs and tape worms
In a constant stream of gore

I’d like to think I learned something
That it wasn't a waste
I know that later in life
I am not squeamish in the least
Can handle most any horror

That happens to occur

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