Thursday, January 09, 2014

POEM - 1+1=1: 1992

We became one
Because of that girl
The one
            Who was early to the dance
            And fell for the new boy
            Didn’t get his number
            But still found it anyway
            Didn’t let a break up
            Get in the way of trying again
            Left secret white roses
            When the time was right
            Set him free
            For a short season
            Always knew the right words
            So his ego kept in check
            Found him again
            Against all odds
            When he wasn’t even around
            Wrote him
            He wrote back
            Kept writing
            Said just the right things
Maybe without even knowing it
            That made the silly boy
            Realize just who she was
            Fall in love through letters
            Like some Victorian romance
            And it was all he could do
            To not run straight to her door
            The moment his feet touched ground
            In the same city as that girl

We met again
On a warm February night
Me just back in town
Her interrupted
As she read poetry
To distract herself
While I took take care of other things
That had to be done first
But I broke the rules
Let her cut in line
In front of everything else
And we stayed like that
Always in line together

That girl and I

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