Friday, January 24, 2014

POEM - Critical Mass

If I had thinner skin
She would have destroyed me
Ms. Professor-O-Poetry
Because my way of writing
Was not her way of writing
I thought it was personal
And sought solace
In the supportive words
Of the other woman
In the poetry department
The one who liked the way I wrote
Got what I was saying
Called my work a breakthrough

Those kind words gave me a breather
Let me sit back
Really look
At the smoking wreckage
Of my precious outpouring
The exquisite literary effort
Of carefully crafted analogies
Clever turns of phrase
And a solid overarching story line

She had decapitated it
Said the first third was unnecessary
Left me with little more
Than an outline
So few words
So many ideas dismissed

But I had that moment
In kinder rooms
And I realized my lie
Where my story faltered
I had tried to control
Craft and create
In order to impress
Be seen as better
Than her easy favorites
And I had fashioned
Elegant lies
In stanza and verse

I stepped back and considered
The little that was left
Realized the mercy in the slaughter
My control vaporized  
That’s when the poem took over
Said what it needed to say
Took on its own life
Told its own story
And when it was reborn
I was allowed to read it
The  room
Of critics
Left silent

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