Wednesday, January 01, 2014

POEM - Eventual Resolutions

I didn’t resolve anything
Until well into the year
Last time this came up
But I like to think about things
Work out all the angles and responses
At least this version of me
Likes to mull over the options
And think before I open
My big loud maw

The brash version
That was the younger me
Probably would be amazed
That I was even listening
When I got that advice
That kept me
From running my mouth
That made me understand
Why a talented guy
With all the potential in the world
Would stick it out
At a so-so job
That didn’t pay him
Anything near what he was worth

But he wasn’t stressed
And he made enough
And he was always able
To be there for us kids
And fulfill his other duties
And he thought before he spoke
So that people waited for his word

He told me that was a key
Along with a few hundred other keys
To making it through
And avoid being the hot head
Like some Zen master
A few words
Placed just right
Changing the whole perspective
Good enough to be a resolution
Important enough to keep
So I will sit on the list
For a little while longer
While the new year

Sinks in fully

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