Saturday, January 04, 2014

POEM - It’s Clear, It’s Cold

When the air
Frigid and untouchable
Presses against the house
Waiting and relentless
For any small opening
Until some foolish inhabitant
Opens the first door of morning
Only to be instantly engulfed
In an icy endless embrace
It is hard to comprehend
That there are times
The sun is nearly powerless
When the brightly lit day
Only means
It will be all the colder
Because the overcast blanket
Was cast off in the night
And the world awakens
Exposed and shivering
Grasping for shelter
That is no longer there
The heat has forsaken
This frigid corner
Now so cold
Even the wind has stopped
Refusing to blow
Because its teeth
Won’t stop chattering
And all of the people cower
Scurrying quickly
From heated abode
To heated car
While enrobed in layers
Upon layers upon layers
To thwart the icy darts
To shield fragile frames

From savage arctic adversaries

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