Sunday, January 05, 2014

POEM - My Mission, Should I Choose to Accept It: 1990

I missed out
On the birth of Grunge
And it’s a shame
Because it’s just the sort of thing
I would have enjoyed
But instead I volunteered
Left home by myself
To be an itinerant preacher
At the tender age of nineteen
Off to the wilds of the Inland Empire
Of that mysterious state
Known as California

It was an odd thing
For an abjectly shy
And somewhat solitary
Young dude like me
To attempt on my own
Well, not really on my own
There were other guys like me
Away from home for the first time
Thrown together
In a strange land
Amongst strange folks
With religion on our minds

I was lucky to meet Long
Who was there to train me
To take this innocent padawan
And bring him up
In the ways of the Force
Meaning he was my type of nerd
We got along
In the face of sundry challenges
Hurt knees and rain storms
Broken bikes and slamming doors
Homesickness and swimming pools
Urban blight and Malathion copters
We had it all thrown at us
Despite it we smiled
Said our prayers
And kept the faith
On the mean streets

Of San Berdoo

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