Monday, January 13, 2014

POEM - Kinetic Problem Solving

Scissors in my hand
Bulky and overdone
These are not for paper or hair
As I deliberately and slowly cut
Into the shiny metal pieces
Trimming away what isn’t supposed to be there
Hoping that what is left
Is worth keeping
I have bent this piece too many times
As I try to flatten it once again
Testing and restarting
That last bend
Breaks off a piece
And once again the snips do trim
Shape and form and shave just a little

Meanwhile I visualize the end
Balance the equations in my head
Hoping they come out right
How many levels of wire and weights
Will be too much to overcome
For the floating counter balance
And drag the sculpture to the ground
So for now I move the fulcrum back
The equilibrium is almost there
Adjustments will come in the future
But now I know I can make them
And I can let that process
Rest  for a while
Because there are still five other problems
Trying to find common ground
Until ever so often
A cog meshes
An idea hooks to another
Piece fit together from a different angle
And the mystery starts to let me see some of the solution

The problem of drilling stainless steel
Just got resolved correctly
And the permanent marker will come off
And look good in the end
And the new piece of wire
Has bent the right way
And is hanging so nice
And the whole thing spins
So smoothly and lovely
On the smallest of points

And in the nicest of ways

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