Tuesday, January 14, 2014

POEM - Blurred

When endless years of youth have
Played their role and petered out
As all youth does.

There is a blur of life that happens
And time in adulthood quickens
Mixes and swirls and slushes together.

There are bright spots
In the midst of the blur
With faces and events
Fixed and solid beacons
Giving a few ports in the storm

So I guess I have to ask forgiveness
That I didn't remember the exact month
When we moved the sofa
From that wall
To this whimsical floating location
Where it sits now

I think I should get credit
For realizing to any degree
That my usually perch moved
Given its comparable insignificance
What with the TV
Right in front of it

I'm having a difficult enough time
Making sure I recall all of the kids
And their names and birth dates.

I got our anniversary right
This year
And there were flowers and chocolate
Like you said you like
When you see other husbands
Get them for their wives.

I can understand context
Especially when married
With frequency.

What I am saying
Is the 90s were a blur
And the 00s
And the Teens
Are not looking any better
And I'm not getting any younger

So feel free to remind me
When we need to flip the mattress
Or when the couch
Should be moved again
I'm glad to help where I can.

But I've surrendered
To the swirling blur
Dove in a long time ago
Understood early
That time gets slippery
As the haze of age


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