Wednesday, January 15, 2014

POEM - Drive-Thru Oracle

The portents of doom
Hung heavy
Over the family style
Swedish inclined
Faux station wagon

Some days
The biscuit is so right
And the meat sits perfectly
Stirring no guilty feelings
Just melting sumptuously
Into your carnivorous palette

Then there are mornings
Like this morning
When you force the experience
And the first bite
Of not-crispy-hash-brown
Lets you know instantly
That all is not right
And you are questioning everything
Each bite hesitantly approached
No imperfection forgiven

It is times like these
You spit out the suspect bite
Into the empty bag
Dump the not even half finished
But no longer enjoyed
Undercooked breakfast sandwich
Drive home carefully
Say nothing to anger the fates
Toss the bag to the dogs
And walk into the house
Slump into the kitchen chair
Grab a comparatively disappointing 
Nearly ripe banana
Smile nervously
And spend a few extra minutes
Pronouncing a few extra prayers

You have been warned
Breakfast betrayed you
The day cannot be saved
The omens were clear
Wrapped in wax paper
Scrawled in plainest braille

Amid the crinkles of the underdone biscuit

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