Tuesday, January 21, 2014

POEM - Dis Band

This is my declaration
In full voice
Right in front
Of the entire world
With unmistakable clarity
I am not
And never will be
A band parent

Which is a real conflict
Because these kids
The ones I am responsible for
Just happen
By some odd chance
To be
            No matter how I protest
Extremely good at music

. . . Boogers!

Especially in this small town
Where extracurricular
Is a fancy word
That means “religion”
Which means I can’t be offended
When I am confronted
With another letter
Telling me
Yet again
The upcoming performance
Will need a white shirt
With black stripes
And it just so happens
We’ve already ordered
All the shirts
At a special price
That comes out to
Four times
What you would pay
If you had any sense
The uniform is
            And . . .
So, please,
for perfections sake
Have your money in by Friday

I don’t belong here
I want my kids back
From the clutches
Of the Marching Branch Davidians
            dba The Booster Club
So I can foster further rebellion
Of the kind we relish
The fun kind
That makes everyone smile
The kind that keeps me
From spending half my life
Waiting in school parking lots

For a glimpse of my captive children

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