Monday, January 20, 2014

POEM - (At the Very Least) That Binder Holds Letters

The three ring binder
Filled with correspondence  
That I haven't read
In over two decades
Sat there silently
Year after year
Moldering away
Haunting my peripheral
Ensuring I was always aware
Of exactly where it sat

I finally opened the cover
Just to read over
What I already knew was there
To skim over the expected contents
Surely herein lies a dry mixture
Of some deep doctrine
Interspersed with
Heavy philosophy
And sage admonitions
From a father to his son
The type of erudite epistles
Against which my own
Similar attempts
To my own children
Must surely pale
As I try to be that dad
That offers perceptive advise
Imparts ageless wisdom
And engenders understanding
Of the type which my memory
Swears I received liberally

But it wasn't entirely that way
I found instead
A lot of letters I might have written
Talking about the mundane
In a silly and comforting way
Joking around
Shooting the breeze
Being the dad
That all my friends thought was cool
Because he was that dad

This trove of intrinsic evidence
Helps me understand
That this guy I am
Was raised by that dude
The one in those letters
That was sometimes goofy
Who would send me articles
On cow flatulence
And in the next page
Remind me he cared for me
And tell me to be good
And it was never too serious
But it was never irreverent
It was just the words
Of a good dad
And I come by it honestly
This weird dad that I am

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