Wednesday, January 22, 2014

POEM - Folk Married Punk and a Child Was Born

I owe more than a little bit
Of my rebellious commitment
To Billy Bragg
And whoever introduced me
To the Barking Bard
And I bought it
Every last clanging note
From the roots of urban folk
The outcast offspring
Of a raucous union
When folk idealism
Met with an electric guitar

It was just the right mix
For the kid who grew up
On Peter, Paul and Mary
And then dove in
With both feet
When my ears latched onto
The first angst filled chords
Of a punk rock song
So direct and unrelenting
That to call it only a song
Was to deny the power therein
Each tune
A declaration of war 
Against authority
And the establishment
And society
And life in general
And whatever else you got

And where punk was angry and loud
Screaming and incoherent
Upset and destructive
Bill Bragg was more than that
All of it was there
But turned down and focused
Like the ADD of punk
Grew up and learned to concentrate
Got an education
But never forgot why
Why they were angry
What they were mad at
Stopped screaming
And started doing
Dug in against oppression

In a world turned upside down

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