Friday, January 03, 2014

POEM - Badger, Buffalo, Cap, Gown: 1989

I cared more about
The batman keychain
Than the diploma
I worried more
About my camera
They wouldn’t let me keep
Than following directions
The fact
That Barz
Got them to put “Barz”
On the paper
Meant more
Then done
Meant the most

Was I still a Badger
Awakened in those Sonoran desert hills
Or had the Buffalo
Taken over my heart
In the suburban asphalt metropolis
It turns out
I cared for both
But never affiliated
Always happy to play the outsider

I had learned nothing from the actual school
The scheduled classes
And the daily minutia
All the important stuff
Was extracurricular
Stacks of cassette tapes
Frisbee in the Quad
Forensics competition freedom
What a kiss feels like
Or a fist through the heart
What friends can ask you
And the meaning of fair-weather
What beginnings and endings look like
How to ditch without being caught
The joy of driving nowhere in particular
Saving a life
And never letting homework get in the way

Of anything else

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