Thursday, January 30, 2014

POEM - Let me eat Cake

Later I arrived
Over and over
By a mishap here
An inconvenience there
Until I was no longer
Late for dinner
I was early
For breakfast

So often this week
The same things
Unexpected delays
Unfortunate weather
Inopportune phone calls
Caused tardiness

I laid my head back
Lazily glancing
At the dimly lit ceiling
As her hand
On queue
Stroked my hair
It was needed
To calm me down
Each stroke soothing
Smoothing out the lumps
From a difficult day

As I rolled over
Embraced and nuzzled
You said to me
The sweetest words
            I want cake

I want that too
The cake that was missed
Absent from recent gatherings
The food that marks milestones
A delicious treat
Just you and me
And two forks
To keep me

From being late again

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