Sunday, February 12, 2017

POEM - Bless Me For I Have Sinned

It was a time
When we laughed
It was that
Or anger

The car ride was long enough
That it inspired confession
From some of the reprobates
We claim as our children
And the effects were unexpected

Firstly we both realized
It wasn't us going crazy
It was willful disobedience
That made these things happen
Made us think the facts didn't add up
Though unsolved at the time
These revelations
Admissions of tresspasses
Straight up guilt-spill
Gave us
The parents

Then it was a lifting
Of long carried burdens
That now
Years later
Could be laughed at
It must have been liberating
Because it seemed endless
Once the first one cracked
The rest broke the dam
Each clamoring
To dump their sins
Into the flood

All we could do was listen
Sit back and let it happen
Take down little mental notes
Start balancing the tally sheet
Making sure the retribution had occurred
And subconsciously planning
When any missed punishment
Would be best doled out

But laughing is what happened
We were all relieved
Especially them
The little dears
The little pointy-headed dears
The little never-un-grounded dears
Just keep talking, Slick
I'm keeping score
Just keep it coming
Keep it coming!

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