Wednesday, February 22, 2017

POEM - Mahindra Does His Best

It is in the way
Despite station
Or monotony
You see beauty
Find the joyous
Center your focus
On doing more
Even just a little
So there is found
A worthy effort
Admirable results

Mahindra loves his job
More than most people love anything
Each day he  rides to the top floor
Sure it is no coincidence
Spends every day making sure
He won't have to stop
On a less important floor

Mahindra cares deeply that you are happy
Notices your habits
How you left behind your room
Thinks to himself
This mister wants bathmats
In more than one place
This misses likes her clothes
Hung up just so
This sir seems most definitely
To need an extra firm pillow
So he doesn't have to pile anymore
Of those devastatingly soft ones
Spends the extra time
Goes the extra mile
Rings the bell to your room
When he notices your arrival
Just to see if you are happy
Make sure someone wishes you a good day
Gives you the biggest smile he can
And sends you on your way

Mahindra you may never know
How rich you are
How much these little things matter
How proud you make your parents
For doing your job
Better than is necessary
Sleep well tonight
Master of Housekeeping
Dream of the joys you impart
And may your muse grant you
Glorious visions in the night
Of new creatures to construct
From blanched white terry cloth

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