Friday, February 17, 2017

POEM - Beans Over Troubled Waters

Checking in
While far away
I get the update
Josie is at work
Claire is babysitting
Vern is at the temple
Ezra is getting sent to the showers
And Max
Well he had a mini-breakdown
Feeling anxious
About the new job starting
Getting upset over little nothings
Here and there

I'm concerned
I like Max
He's a good guy

Linda tells me it is all better now
Got him settled
By filling his belly
With the best medicine
Some good old
Mason family comfort food
Taco Bell
Is there nothing that beans and cheese can't fix?

I laugh and smile
When I revisit this thought
Maybe Art Garfunkel would have been happier
If he just ate more Mexican food
Wouldn't have had to build
A bridge over troubled waters
Maybe instead
A coat over a tiny puddle
Sure it isn't as dramatic
But I did rewrite the lyrics
Just to show it could be done

When your down and out / 
Feeling blue /
Try some beans and cheese /  
To get you through-o-o-o-o-o!

1 comment:

  1. They only made one of you, Aaron Mason!
