Monday, February 20, 2017

POEM - White Elephant Gift in the Room

It couldn't be ignored
Sitting right there
Just demanding attention 
But I tried to 
Tried nonchalantly glancing 
In every other direction 
But there it was 

Maybe I had an aversion 
Based on the color 
This thing in the room 
Was teetering between 
Two distinct sayings 
The first about avoiding 
Something blatantly obvious 
The second about gifts 
That were inherently useless 
Both seemed equally served 
By a simple enough object 

The deal is I had declined housekeeping 
For a number of days 
So apparently a point was being made 
Letting me know 
By unavoidable gestures 
They would take care of me 
If I gave them a chance 
The extra few bottles of water 
The lovely wood bowl of bananas 
And right in the middle 
Of my freshly made bed 
A large white elephant 
Made of rolled up towels 
Somehow it was both sayings 
Miraculously married 
In one solitary object 
My white elephant gift 
Was in fact 
The elephant in the room 
Unavoidably useless 
Demanding discussion 
Finding simple joy 
In the serendipitous union 

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