Sunday, February 26, 2017

POEM - The Gritty Version

Growling engine
Huffs out diesel fumes
Mixing with ocean breezes
As we rock
Port to starboard
Out of the slip

The barely walking infant girl
In the princess dress
Decked out
With heavy black eyeliner
And a red beauty mark
Is too precious for words
And warms up
Half way across the bay
With fertive looks
Then joyous smiles
And a bright light
From her Cleopatra eyes

The leisurely walk
Found it way
Around the tourist traps
Beyond the onslaught
Of seashore vendors
Into the quaint ancient town
To the same high pressured sales
Just in brick and mortar
A little harder to escape

Though we did escape
To the colonial holdover
For a brief meal
Some needed hydration
To feel recharged
It became essential
As the day moved on
And the venue changed as well
To a grittier version
The one deeper in the city
Where the native driver
Told us to hide our wallets
And we walked among the locals
Down dark side streets
And into the sweets shop
For local flavor
Down deep in the city
On the weekend night
Dust gathering on my shoes
And the city settling
Into my expanding soul

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