Saturday, February 04, 2017

POEM - Shaved Ice

After the surgery
Feeling less than human
Wanting only
To find something normal
Something like a treat
Instead of the forced regiment
Of carefully portioned foodstuffs
Of bland calculated nutrients
To ensure optimal results
A nightmare for a foodie
A horror movie
Shot in two tones of bland
A night on the town
Family in tow
Just running errands
Enjoying some normality
And for their enjoyment
We stopped for shaved ice
Trying to stave off
The relentless clinging summer
For a few cool moments
I was in line only to pay
When something caught my eye
A list of flavors
Sans the cursed sugar
That was currently atop
My system's no fly list
And the heavens parted
The angel chorus sang
As I added my order to the list
With a tangible level
Of eager anticipation
I was not disappointed
Only pleasure
No reprucutions
I joined in normal life
Added color
To my gastronomical pallette
My mood improved
My will to live restored
After the surgery
I found pleasure
In simple things
My family's love
A beautiful day
Fresh clean air
But maybe most importantly
I found the joy
In the blessed union
Of flaky frozen water
Awash in flavored bliss

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