Friday, February 03, 2017

POEM – Stubbing My Little Toe on a Sunny Morning

A pinch of daylight
Crashes into my eyelids
I have chosen
In my mind
To ignore it

A sliver of daylight
Joins the fray
The memo to my mind remains
But the lines of communication
Suffered a collapse
The rest of my body
Never got the memo
And are confused by the foggy repertoire
Trickling from the upper floors
And the general bobbing and weaving
Blurting of incoherent babbles
And they are left to ask
Why on earth
Did he fling Little Toe
Straight into the bed frame?!?!

A beacon of sunlight
Rams forcefully
Into my bloodshot optics
Bathing my wincing face
In unhelpful brightness
As I howl and scream
At the piercing throb
Manifesting from my smashed digit

Full light of day
Now fully awake
My toe, I'm sure, thinks me silly
To carry on so long
He has been here before
Spends his days 
Being trampled on
And a stubbing now and then
Breaks up the monotony
He has miles to go 
Before he sleeps
Miles more to go

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