Friday, February 24, 2017

POEM - Water Reflections

Sun rises calmly
Casting greyed light
Across the perfectly still surface
Of the backwater coastal pond
Smooth reflection
Of a menagerie of waterfowl
Even the few soaring denizens
Land cautiously
Cause only momentary ripples
That dissipate almost instantly
Wary of ruining the perfect surface
Peppered with figures
Caught between thoughts
Like a lake with Rorschach tests
Dotting the surface

I put myself on the couch
Study each bifurcated ink blot
Playing each side
Of my therapy session
Wondering what I will see
And what would Freud or Jung say
When I look intently
Furrow my brow
Pause and the decide
I see birds
And their reflection
On very still water

But what I hear
Is the ocean rolling in
And it carries my heart
In every crashing wave

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