Monday, February 06, 2017

POEM - Samosa Discovery

“You can always start with the samosas
If you want to try Indian food
They are familiar
Like a more bite-sized pasty”
I suggest

“What’s a pasty?”
Is the reply
With a screwed up expression
Quizzical and untrusting

“Oh, a pasty . . .
It’s like a knish”
“Like a k-what?”
“Perhaps a Russian piroshky, comrade?”
“You know, like a Mexican empanada
Or an Italian calzone?”
“Are those foods?
I ain’t never eaten none of that.
Maybe Indian food isn’t for me”

I try again
I want this to work
This person
Sitting across from me
They need a broadened horizon
Like no other
Then it comes to me

“They are like Pizza Rolls
A little different
But basically, like Pizza Rolls”

A brightness behind the eyes
“Ohh, I like Pizza Rolls
Why didn’t you just say that?”

And they take a bite
And bliss rolls across their face
At the savory discovery
Occurring at this very moment
And then my reward
“I think I like Indian food
Why didn’t we do this sooner?
Can I have some more . . .
What are they . . .
These might be better than Pizza Rolls!

Hearing those words
Is better than anything
Well, maybe not better than the mint chutney
But pretty darn close

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