Thursday, February 09, 2017

POEM - One-Sided Conversations

We came to say goodbye
Without the kids
Just a quick moment
Because it was late
And we were leaving early
But you were tired
Of one sided conversations
That were happening more and more

Dad stopped answering a long time ago
And it is no comfort any more
That you win every argument
Because you feel you lost
The argument that counted
The one about who was going to stay behind
Who could live without whom
Which one of you could stand
The most years being alone
Without giving into loneliness

He didn't even wait for your rebuttal
Just made the decision
Closed his eyes
And left you
To work it out

And you worked it out for a while
Even found friends
And then found good friends
But they got tired of arguing too
And got the last word in
Without ever letting you express your opinion

And it isn't any good
To tell the grand-babies
They just look at you
And smile
Their little clueless smiles
And those arguments are no fun
No one talks back
Gets your goat
Tells you to get over it
Where is the fun in that?

So you have one-sided conversations
While you make your way through the day
And the sound of thunder
Makes you think you heard Dad answer
And the breeze on the wind chimes
Sounds like Maryanne is at your door
And some of the grand-babies are growing up
And will soon start talking back

But not yet
So we stay a little longer
Make sure you are OK
Dispel the loneliness for a moment
While the storm picks up strength
And the thunder rumbles in the distance
Soon to be drowned out
By the wind chimes
As we say good bye

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