Monday, February 27, 2017

POEM - Calder Abroad

The Bohemian couple
Sitting across from me
Waiting for the same red eye flight
Were having pleasant discussions
I noticed her shirt
Decorated by my favorite artist
During a lull I interupted
"So you like Calder?"
She said yes
Really more he did
He had been to the retrospective
It was in San Francisco last year
Had gotten her the shirt

I said that I had been to Chicago
And spent time with his stabile
I shared my photo
Then they discussed the Picasso
Also in Chicago
That was much maligned initially
But now a cherished treasure

They were returning
From time spent with friends
Out in the mountains
They spoke of easy days
An unhurried lifestyle
And the difficulty
Of adjusting back into
A set schedule again

I explained I was here for work
Which seemed a subject
They weren't ready to think about
So I shifted to sightseeing
And that earned a little more time
Until we drifted back
To the easy silence of strangers
Momentarily engaged
Then the moment passed
Into the humid jungle air
Like planes passing in the night

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