Tuesday, February 14, 2017

POEM - I Didn't Want to Love You

The year we met
I had been through some stuff
Been shuttled around
Left my home
Found another
And lost it
And I was damaged
Nervous to commit
Unsure how we would get along

You were different from the others
Warmer and more open
I'd been through cold relationships
But you never even made lukewarm
So I began to thaw
Let you into my life

But I never wanted to love you
I resisted it
Fought against it
Said I loved the colder times
The times when the sky
Never stopped crying
But my resistance evaporated
And the skies forgot how to cry

That doesn't mean it was easy
Yes you had heat
But also a dry humor
That took some getting used to
And some days
You were so hot
I felt I couldn't approach you
Had to find shelter
Let you cool off

But it happened
I fell in love
With a desert of all places
All dirt and desolation
And the sky on fire
At every Arizona sunset

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