Friday, March 22, 2013

POEM - Victorio, Ho!

Scout camp happened unexpectedly
I’d lived in Tucson exactly one week
By the time I was sent off with strangers
For a week of scouting at Camp Victorio
I’d met almost everyone exactly twice
When I was being whisked away
To a place only 50 miles from Mexico

I wasn’t exactly sure
This sounded like a good idea

As far as scout camps go
This one was rugged
As far as kids go
They were an eclectic crowd
I was allowed into the group
Because there was another Aaron
He was the short one
And I was tall enough
And strong enough
To give him rides around camp

Then there was Fletcher
A year older and acting like Joe Scout
We, for reasons still unclear
Did not get along
So I was ostracized from the group tent
Relegated to the flimsy two man

Chris took pity on me
Moved in so I wasn’t alone
Talked all night and didn’t stop
For the rest of camp
Even when the rains came
And the river formed between us
Down the middle of the tent

I survived and thrived
Even made friends
            With everyone, surprisingly

When we met back up in high school
Fletcher and I were thick as thieves
The memory of Victorio an odd anomaly
Cherished, necessary and unexplained

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