Saturday, March 02, 2013

POEM - No Sir-ree

There is really nothing to argue about
I’m going to live longer
It’s just a statistical and universal fact
It’s not like it’s a bad deal
After all, I get stuck here with the kids

I’m not saying it is tomorrow
Or even any time soon
So no need to go and get huffy
With your panties all in a bunch

Come on, look at the intrinsic evidence
You come from a people ridden with cancer
I have endless self confidence
And an indomitable optimism
Not to mention all the cinnamon and ginger I eat
Not to mention my love for raw milk
and my amazing immune system

See, there’s your problem, right there
Just dismiss all the evidence
No second thought, with you
Dismiss, dismiss, dismiss
It is written in the stars
Yet you turn a blind eye
Which I might add wouldn’t be blind
If you drank more carrot juice
Which I squeeze fresh each day

How can I be so sure, you ask
Well Jiminy Cricket told me
Straight to my face through the TV
I know it was a national broadcast
But I caught the sub text

“I’m no fool, no sir-ree,
            I’m gonna live to be hundred and three!
Cuz I play safe for you and me,
            Cuz I’m no-o-o-o foo-oo-ooo-lll!”

The diminutive green oracle
Predicted my impressive life span
In the dawning of my glorious era of time
            As it was sung, so let it be done

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