Monday, March 11, 2013

POEM - Misunderstanding the News

First there was talk of a Murder
Somehow crows were front page news
Then a story of a Crash
Which would be something
To see rhinos running past

Next was a story about a Parliament
And a Congress having talks
And I wondered what owls and salamanders
Could possibly have to discuss

My confusion depend further
As an Army was mentioned
With pictures of guns and soldiers
Instead of frogs at attention

On to a story about a Lounge
Which caught my attention
Cause I like lizards
In case I didn’t mention

All they talked about was a Pandemonium
So I guessed parrots were sighted
And a Mischief in the air
Which raised my concern
Cuz mice don’t normally fly

Then sports came on
And things got stranger
There was an archer with a Quiver
Of arrows instead of cobras, go figure

So I just gave up
Decided to look out the window
At all my lovely unicorns
They are definitely a Blessing

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