Tuesday, November 05, 2013

POEM - Write Me Down or Lose Me Forever

I had a thought
A nice one
Tucked away
And just as I reached for it
It left

So, I found another one
Jotted down some key characteristics
Mulled over its existence
Ran it through the mental mill
And something wonderful came out the other side
Which I also didn’t write done
Out of here

Then I was sure I had really taken every precaution
Had a thought
Wrote it down
Thought it over
Wrote down more
Worked out the kinks
Wrote it down then
Tucked it away
In a special book
That I always keep with me
And forgot about it
Until I needed it
So I opened my book
And looked at my notes
That were a detailed description
Of how to check transmission oil
On a 2002 Volvo V70

Hmmm . . . not poetry material
No wonder I forgot about it
Now I am stuck
And this poem is stuck
And the hours are dragging
And I had better just stop
Let this composition rest
Check the oil
And turn out the lights
Maybe tomorrow
I’ll write about the coming of winter

But for now I will just jot it down

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