Tuesday, November 26, 2013

POEM - If My Mother Knew

When I say it out loud
It sounds a lot worse
Like I might have been in danger
Preaching the word
On the mean streets
Of San Bernardino
But I tried
To keep my distance
Or I just got lucky

There was the time
We heard those gunshots
And peeped out the window
To see the gang bangers
Jumping up and firing randomly
At the apartment complex
Across the school yard
We went back to bed
Hoping and praying
They wouldn’t come our way

Remember when
I told you about that kid
The one across the street
Who was trying
To break a windshield
By bashing it
With his forehead

Or the big guy by the Subway
Walking around
With a baseball bat
Yelling at the cars
And clobbering telephone poles
And post office boxes
And fire hydrants
Screaming all along
So caught up in his world
He barely noticed us
Though he feinted our way
Just a few times

My favorites was that one night
When I woke up
To spotlights in my window
All I could think of
Was “Close Encounters”
And I was sure they were coming for me
It was just a police helicopter
Looking for someone
On the run
From the law

But it wasn’t me, Ma
I was just watching
Seeing the crazy
From a good distance
It never really hit home
And it never seemed all that bad
But I know if you knew
You’d have been upset

So I’ve let the years come
And soften the blow
So you can read  it now
And roll your eyes
Catch your breath a little
Thank God I made it home
Maybe get mad I never mentioned it

And there’s more to tell
But I think
We might need
A few more years
Because some stories
Need to be told

All on their own

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