Wednesday, November 06, 2013

POEM - Hot Seat

A button
On the console
In the shape of a seat
With squiggly lines
On which the seat floats
Intrigues me

It is colder this morning
As the winter solstice
In full frigid swing
Pushes the issue
Starts the winds blowing
Down from the North
Across many frozen miles

My car dashboard confirms
In many subtle ways
Seemingly trying to prove
Just how smart a car it is
Sure, it gives me a temperature
But next to the numbers
It kindly lights up a glowing snowflake
Then flashes a warning
On the LED readout
            FROST POSSIBLE

I depress the seat button
The one with the squiggly lines
Skeptical of the need
For such an embellishment
As seat warmers
But as my posterior heats
I am pleasantly surprised
By how I didn’t know
How much I really needed
To have my seat warmed
And wonder at how
I ever had happiness

Before I had toasty buns!

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