Thursday, November 07, 2013

POEM - Playing their Own Game

You’d think
Being from this family
They’d have a little more
Of that killer instinct

We’re not shy
We don’t shrink back
From any and all competition
And we tried
Really tried
To encourage them
Show them what it means
To play team sports

So we signed them up
Vern went to soccer
And spent every game
Picking flowers
Running in the opposite direction
Chasing butterflies
Completely happy

Max we tried on basketball
He loved it
Loved cheering for every score
No matter who made it
He’d always run up
Tell them good job
Pat them on the back
Often to the other team

And all we could do
Was smile
At our nice kids
We were worried they wouldn’t get it
They showed us
In their own way
They already knew it

Even better than us

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