Sunday, November 17, 2013

POEM - What?!?! It’s Just Water

When I flung it
The last drop of water
From the bottom of my cup
I was just playing
Fooling around
Having a good time
I didn’t expect
My aim
To be
So good
As the stream of clear water
Shot like a bullet
Into your right eye

As you squinted and gasped
In shock
And anger
I should have
If I was smarter
Known to run away
You, my dear
Fight dirty
Only for the win
But I can’t resist
And since your left shoulder
Has that sore muscle right now
You can’t land half your punches

I go for the kill
A guarantee I will suffer
As I tickle your neck
Laugh manically
And duck your foot

But I give in
When the biting starts
Realize I have gone too far
Forced you into a corner
The step just before

It is how I survive
Because you know where I sleep
And I go to bed first
So it wouldn’t be wise
Cuz mama bear don’t play
Even if it’s papa bear

Pushing the buttons

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