Monday, November 18, 2013

POEM - Happy Valley Dirt Jam

It was a dream
Ahead of its time
To skateboard
On gnarly dirt hills

Grabbing the old boards
Wheels removed
We sought some sick slopes
We found minor bumps
But undeterred we dropped in
Sliding and carving
For brief moments

We embodied a broader future
Of expanded board use
In an innocent attempt
To have fun
When there was no pavement
To still board
Where nary a board had been

The thrill was anticlimactic
There were rocks and stones
Instead of sandy dunes
In the deceptively named
Happy Valley where we camped

Soon after I saw my first snowboard
Thought we could have had something
If we’d thought a little harder
But why would Arizona SK8 Rats
Have ever thought
To put a board on snow?

Not long after I had moved on
And stopped skating altogether
Someone came out with dirt wheels
To put on a skateboard
Looked like a couple Tonka truck chassis
Bolted to a beefed up board
Brilliant! I thought
As I watched the commercial

Pondering the dirt path not taken

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