Friday, November 08, 2013

POEM - Traffic Trauma

Two days in a row
I tried to be clever
I was already running late
Figured a couple more minutes
Rush hour over
Smooth sailing
All the way home
It’s always worked before

I don’t know what happened
Maybe it is the change
To daylight standard time
Or the month of November
Or just the universe
Screwing with me
But my best laid plans
Went awry

Today was particularly fantastic
Five miles
On freeway!
Forty-five minutes!!
I almost pulled over
Jumped out of the car
Threw my hands in the air
And screamed, “I give!!”

Along the way
A memo
Went out
To all of the South
Probably a joke
From some Northern loyalist
Bent on sadistic revenge
Wherein it was written
That all events
On the side of the freeway
Regardless of
            No, in fact, demands
That all cars slow
To the lowest gear
Ride their brakes
And generally disregard
All attempts at ever getting anywhere

Maybe they all just know
By the way I carry myself
I have driven more sophisticated roads
Have survived the freeways of LA
Where unless the car
Is physically blocking the road
It is unwise to drop below 80
Ahh . . . the peaceful life
Eight lane highways
Aggressive drivers
And the comfort that everyone
In every single car
Wants to get somewhere
Just as bad as you do
And the speed limit
Is a suggestion starting point
Instead of an eventual possibility
And the smog laden air
Serves to deter
Any ill advised notions
Of leisurely drives
Through a city
Fully engaged
In the passionate throws

Of an eternal rush hour

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